Welcome to my writing world

My Writing Journey

Writing has been the interest that I developed sometime around 2006. I started writing my experiences working in post disaster situations in Kutch (Gujarat), Andaman & Nicobar Islands and other places. This lead to writing my first fiction novel – The Vulnerables. 

My Books

The Vulnerables is my debut novel. Self Published in 2020, this book is based on my experiences working in post disaster situations across the globe. 

Confluence - the blog

As I grew comfortable with daily writing, I started personal blog which I am sharing to the world for the first time through this portal. Confluence denotes amalgamation of three streams on which my writing is based- Travel, Literature and Spirituality. 

The Vulnerables

I am indebted to large number of people from various NGOs, mainly aid workers and volunteers from whom I have learned so much in this incredible journey, which continues to this date.

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